Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Back to grand chase

Cheat stage Hack Ni gan

Engine <<Love engine 0.5>>

for tutor


NB:Jangan lupa koment Gan :nosara


Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Cheat Grand Chase

Grand Chase sapa sih yang gak tau game online 1 ni??? (gak tau?? oh man :ngakaks)
game 2D yang seru...
tapi gak seru donk main tanpa cheat hahahah (jangan keterusan hahah)
nih ada tool
Engine <<Love engine 0.5>>

Cheat demage 9999 :iloveindonesias

1. buka tuluka v1.0.394.77
2. buka love engine 0.5
3. buka pacht Grand Chase lalu star game
4. tunggu hingga log in screen muncul
5. ketika muncul log in screen, buka tuluka v1.0.394.77
6. klik tab SST, di Tab SST cari kolom yang berwarna merah
7. klik pada kolom yang berwarna merah kalu tekan CTRL+R
8. minimize tuluka v1.0.394.77
9. buka love engine 0.5
10. open process pilih main.exe dengan icon elesis
11. lalu log in ke grand chase
12. setelah ada di pemilihan server, Anda pergi ke practice
13. pilih ronan basic job NO SKILL TREE lalu OK
14. ketika mulai practice, buka Love engine 0.5
15. masukan value 16256 lalu klik firts scan tunggu hingga scan selesai
16. setelah scan selesai, tekan angka satu pada keyboard (dekat qwerty)
17. masuk ke SKILL TREE RONAN, pilih special lalu pilih holy bless Lv2 lalu OK
18. masuk lagi ke practice mode (bukan practice select)
19. gunakan holy bless skill 1 ronan
20. lalu buka love engine isikan value dengan 16281 lalu klik next scan
21. tunggu hingga scan selesai
22. double klick pada address yang di temukan di pinggir kiri value (akan muncul di bawah)
23. klik pada frozen lalu klik 2x pada value lalu ubah dengan 20000 lalu OK. keluar dari practice, pilih server, bikin room password, star game dan WORK!!
25. 1 HIT tanpa harus keluar room jika dungeon selesai.. :games 
Ayo gan sbelum di path GM nya 
Jangan lupa koment Gan :nosara

Posting pertama semenjak Vakum

Sory baru update update banyak kesibuka hahaha

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Cheat Ns Hp with CE

Hp Gm
1. Go to Ninja Saga (stop at the character select screen).
2. Open Cheat engine and hook to process "Chrome.exe" or the browser you use.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, Check HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Value.
6. Change the value to "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. Check (tick) the "frozen" box to the left of the address.
8. Choose a character and then click "PLAY".
9. Go to Kage Houses or Houses Hunting and OWN the enemy a few!

chakra GM

1. Go to Ninja Saga (stop at the character select screen).
2. Open Cheat engine and hook to process "Chrome.exe" or the browser you use.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, Check HEX.
4. Scan for "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Value.
6. Change the value to "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. Check (tick) the "frozen" box to the left of the address.
8. Choose a character and then click "PLAY".

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Cheat NS Token 2011

Malas basa basi langsung saja.

Cheat Token Ns Permanet bisa di blanjain.
Use Fiddler